Friday, March 09, 2012

Some Things on My Mind...

      In days gone by I kept scrapbooks of photos, articles, clippings, and odd bits of information that I wanted to keep for review. The scraps yellowed, the pages wrinkled, and the ink faded. Some of the books got tossed when I moved from place to place and had to cull my belongings. I bemoan the loss of those clues to my way of thinking about the world.

     Today Pinterest fills this hoarding of interests. I've created boards - each a topic of interest to me. I collect photos, posters, pictures from around the web and pictures of my own items. I collect teapots and I make quilts. The designs and colors and patterns fascinate me. I've posted some of my own.

     I dream of returning to France and Paris. Places like the Chantilly Palace are included on my France board. Paris has endless sites and scenes that bring back memories.

    Old carved or ornate doors amaze me with their detail, rich colors, and embellishments. I've repinned those I especially like and admire. Unfortunately, the modern design of homes in my area do not provide photo ops that can compare.

     My modern day scrapbook is a work in progress.


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