Monday, January 17, 2011

In the Chill of Winter

It's snowing! It's blowing!
Since Christmas snow flurries have filled the air, skittered across the roads and streets, and, helped by the wind, formed drifts.
In the midst of this winter weather, we carry on with:
grocery shopping,
meeting friends,
and work.

For two weeks, I've been back to the job I retired from: school librarian. I'm walking to the drum beat of familiar routines, renewing acquaintances with those I knew in the past and meeting new students and new faculty members. The library OPAC operates in the same fashion, but the data resides online rather than in a local server.

Today, while the flurries fell and the wind blew, I worked at home instead of being required to attend staff development. I prepared for an English class beginning research, preparing the list of resources in, what I hope will be, an attention getting, motivating handout.

My mind resumes its teaching mode.